Being the apex organisation of the Indian Cooperative Movement, the NCUI collaborates with ICA, UNO, FAO, ILO, UNDP, UNIDO and other international agencies involved in cooperative development. The Union takes active part in various Standing Committees/Regional Assembly of ICA, particularly the Regional Office for Asia and Pacific, New Delhi. In furtherance of the inter-cooperative relations, the NCUI deputes a number of staff working in cooperative institutions for training and for attending conferences/seminars abroad.
CICTAB International Training Programme is organized at National Centre for Cooperative Education on "Training Techniques for Trainers of Cooperatives & Rural Financing Institutions" for the CICTAB members in the SAARC region.
Under the MoU signed with selected countries, NCUI encourages exchange of information to improve bilateral cooperation with other countries / organizations through international study exposure visit. This enables the participants to learn about the best practices adopted by the cooperatives in other countries. NCUI also facilitates the visit of fraternal delegates to the different cooperative institutions/organizations to share the experience of Indian cooperatives in order to promote professional, social & cultural bonding.
To commemorate the occasion of International Cooperative Day celebrated on the first Saturday of July every year, NCUI organises Symposium on a prescribed theme. On this occasion, Children's Painting Contest is organised in which the children in the age group of 6-15 years are invited and the paintings are sent to IE NO HIKARI Association of Japan for the Annual World Children's Picture Contest.