The Board division is one of the most important division of an organization. The status of the Board division in an organization is like an heart of human body, as all the major decisions for the functioning, strengthening and development of the organization are taken by the Board of an institution, where the role and responsibility of Board Division is of utmost importance as it prepared the proposals /Agenda by compiling the desired information/material received from other divisions and placed it before the Board for consideration and appropriate decisions.  Also coordinate and oversees the implementation of the decisions of the General Body, Governing Council & other Committees.

The Board division of NCUI is entrusted to coordinate with all divisions for collecting and finalizing the required information for effective functioning of an institution.  The division carrying out various functions viz communication with members, admission of new members, conducting the meetings of the General Body, Governing Council, Executive Committee & other Sub-committees, preparation of Agenda for the said meetings as well as prepare Monthly Progress Reports, Annual Report etc.