Upcoming Training Cum Exposure Visit

Upcoming Training-cum-Exposure Visit
ICA General Assembly 2022
The next ICA General Assembly will be held on 20 June 2022 in Seville, Spain, and hosted by the Spanish Confederation of Worker Cooperatives (COCETA). General Assemblies are always important moments in the democratic life of organisations. From a statutory point of view, it will report on the activity and will take stock of the structural and institutional progress of the ICA since their last elective meeting in November 2017. ICA members are invited to nominate candidates for the ICA President and Board. 

The ICA General Assembly will be preceded - from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm - by a panel discussion on the theme "Cooperatives: the time is now!". Organised by the Spanish cooperative movement, this debate will address major international issues.
ICA President Ariel Guarco said: “We thank COCETA and the Spanish cooperative movement at large for offering to welcome us to Seville in June 2022. It is important for the cooperative movement to meet to discuss ways in which our different sectors can rebuild better together post pandemic. Following our World Cooperative Congress in December 2021, our General Assembly will be a good opportunity for us to engage with each other and plan for a better future for all.”